Promotion Announcement!

This is for all my friends,family members, and relatives on facebook. I have published four books on facebook so far. It has been a lot of hard work but I really enjoy writing and it has been interesting learning about marketing and publishing online. I still have a lot to learn but it is a slow process. First, I want to thank those who have helped me by buying and reviewing my books so far. Vicki Rice, Chris Latin, my old Army buddy, Vera Vesper and David Bosarge, Rookie, and all my high school friends, and everyone else. I don’t mean to leave anyone out. Every review meant a lot to me, even if I didn’t know who wrote it. I can’t really afford to promote my books as much as I would like and even if I did I still have a lot to learn about how to do it properly. So I give them away every 3 months or so in order to drive traffic to them on Amazon. I will be giving them away starting today. It will go on for 5 days. I I can get everyone on my facebook friend list who hasn’t done it yet to go to Amazon and download them it would be awesome. If you could at some point leave a 5 star review it would really help me out. I know a lot of you don’t read much but if you could download it and leave the review, then pass it on to someone who might read it, that would be great. I will be sending this facebook post out for the next 5 days. Thanks for your encouragement and support! Here is the link to my Author Page on Amazon

I will be sending out a different version of this message for the next five days. Thanks again everyone. Please Sharemmexport1459823890007IMG_20130727_190029

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