Book Review: American Solace

American Solace, An Awakening, A far future coming of age mythic fantasy by Jonathan Cook may very well be destined to become an American literary classic. This story is that good. This writing is that good. I’ve read a few stories concerning the original Americans. Some of them have been good. Most of them have […]

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Book Review

A few years ago a sub-genre of science-fiction called cyber punk became very popular. I liked it a lot and read a lot of stories by guys with styles similar to William Gibson. One aspect of these stories that I found very fascinating but I felt was never explored fully was the rise of the […]

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A Book Review: THE CROWN

THE CROWN is the third book in the AMANE OF TERRAVINEA series. I read the first two books and I liked them a lot. I recommend them highly but you don’t have to read them in order to enjoy, appreciate, or understand the third book. THE CROWN can stand alone as a great novel so […]

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I am an American. To be more precise and more politically correct I am African-American. For the most part this is just a phrase or term that someone else made popular and now most of us use. In truth I know very little about Africa. After reading Oral Literature in Africa by Ruth Finnegan I know a little more. I know more about the oral tradition in Native-American culture than I do African culture but that’s not a problem. There are similarities and it is fascinating to read about African and pre- European oral tradition and note where they are similar and where they are markedly different. Oral Literature in Africa is a great book with which to introduce yourself to the oral tradition in Africa. Ruth Finnegan is a good writer and has obviously spent a lot of time among the people and cultures that she writes about. There is actually an oral tradition among African-Americans and it is very satisfying to read how such a tradition might have its roots. I enjoyed Oral Literature in Africa because I learned a lot. The information was presented in an insightful, organized, and interesting manner, with plenty of pictures and illustrations. Oral Literature in Africa is a proper scholarly work with footnotes and references but non-scholars can read and enjoy it just as much as the serious scholar. If you are interested in anthropology and the literary traditions of a variety of African tribes, you should pick up a copy of Oral Literature in Africa today. It is part of the World Oral Literature Series and because it is an Open Book publication you can read it online and download the pdf and e-book for free.


Read more "I am an American. To be more precise and more politically correct I am African-American. For the most part this is just a phrase or term that someone else made popular and now most of us use. In truth I know very little about Africa. After reading Oral Literature in Africa by Ruth Finnegan I know a little more. I know more about the oral tradition in Native-American culture than I do African culture but that’s not a problem. There are similarities and it is fascinating to read about African and pre- European oral tradition and note where they are similar and where they are markedly different. Oral Literature in Africa is a great book with which to introduce yourself to the oral tradition in Africa. Ruth Finnegan is a good writer and has obviously spent a lot of time among the people and cultures that she writes about. There is actually an oral tradition among African-Americans and it is very satisfying to read how such a tradition might have its roots. I enjoyed Oral Literature in Africa because I learned a lot. The information was presented in an insightful, organized, and interesting manner, with plenty of pictures and illustrations. Oral Literature in Africa is a proper scholarly work with footnotes and references but non-scholars can read and enjoy it just as much as the serious scholar. If you are interested in anthropology and the literary traditions of a variety of African tribes, you should pick up a copy of Oral Literature in Africa today. It is part of the World Oral Literature Series and because it is an Open Book publication you can read it online and download the pdf and e-book for free."

I have been a Book Reviewer at Readers Favorite for well over two years now. I have never published any of my reviews though I’m sure Readers Favorite and the Authors themselves have. I thought I would start posting them on my Blog. Most of them are e-books because I am in China and that is the only way to get them. I don’t know where you can find them but I’m sure most of them are on Amazon and Goodreads. Thanks, enjoy!

Wow! Where do I begin? First let me say that this is a good book. It is a snapshot of a time and a place and a life. To me it is fascinating. The Man called Red takes place in another country(Canada). It is a different era than the one I grew up in. The […]

Read more "I have been a Book Reviewer at Readers Favorite for well over two years now. I have never published any of my reviews though I’m sure Readers Favorite and the Authors themselves have. I thought I would start posting them on my Blog. Most of them are e-books because I am in China and that is the only way to get them. I don’t know where you can find them but I’m sure most of them are on Amazon and Goodreads. Thanks, enjoy!"