He Proposed His Girlfriend With A Maraduer’s Map That Told The Story Of Their Love

Books Rock My World

“Created a maurader’s map of my life with my fiancée for my proposal with us standing where the map said we were. She said yes!”


This is how Evan Onuskanych made the whole Reddit know he proposed to his girlfriend, Kelsey Davis. ❤

“I was thinking of different ways of proposing that were particularly unique to our relationship,” Evan told BuzzFeed. “Needless to say, I wasn’t very impressed with some of the more cliché methods of proposing. … After looking online for hours on end, I realized nothing like this really existed.”

During a trip with Kelsey to the “Wizarding World of Harry Potter”, Evan fell in love with the Harry Potter wizard world and thought that a proposal map might not be a bad idea.


It took him two days to make the map which perfectly describes the life they had together so far. He broke it…

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